1. Multiple registrations are prohibited and will result in immediate account deletion of all associated accounts if detected
2. English is the only allowed language on our forum. Any attempts to, or posts made in a language other than English will be deleted and the user will recieve an infraction
3. No posting of explicit or illegal content. This includes the posting and sharing of pornography, warez, cracks, serials, gore and illegally obtained copyrighted content. If you are about to post something, and you need to stop and think whether it is suitable to post on a child-friendly forum - chances are you should not post what you are about to share
4. Do NOT advertise in any way shape or form. Link posting to other websites, private servers or other communities will result in deletion of your post and an infraction placed upon your account
5. Political discussion and any discussion regarding religion or religious matters is forbidden
6. Respect the netiquette; lurk and get to know the forum before you post.
7. Keep the focus; questions outside the scope of a certain forum or post will either be moved, locked or simply be deleted.
8. Be nice to other community members and respect the staff. Profanity and insults will not be tolerated. If you have a problem with another member turn to the respective moderator and if the moderator can't help you send a private message to Mako. Instructions and decisions by the moderator team are to be followed
9. Do not use caps, special marks, or more than one exclamation/question mark to draw attention to your post
10.Keep the size of personal images down
Ingame Deranged WoW Server Rules!
Disrespecting or harrassing your fellow players, this is a game,
everyone plays here to have fun and relax, so please try to make
Deranged - WoW a fun experience for all members of our Community
to gain an unfair advantage by using third party programs, exploiting
client or game mechanics or exploiting database or other bugs is
strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.
Threatening Deranged - WoW, it's community, staff or systems is a bannable offense. We do not take this lightly.
remarks about our staff members will not be tolerated by they
themselves, or Management. If you do not like the way a GM is doing his
or her job, report it on the forums. Do not engage in an argument with
them. You will be removed.
Donors help keep Deranged - WoW and
its servers operational, and as such our staff are highly appreciative
of all our donators' kind actions. Verbal harassment/flaming of these
people is inappropriate, whether it be the forums or in-game. We will
not tolerate this as these people deserve respect as they are the reason
there is a Deranged WoW.
Deranged - WoW game accounts, and any
items owned by players on Deranged - WoW servers may not be traded,
swapped, shared, exchanged or sold for any reason
In-game chat and server behaviour...
Using swear words or other inappropriate language, remember we have young players on here too.
Discriminatory slurs, meaning racist, homophobic, sexist, etc, are strictly forbidden
Spamming. Simple as.
Bypassing the filtering system to type in all caps
Changing the color or your text so that it appears different to other players (this includes linkable tags)
Using any language other than English (Make your own channel for your language
Exploiting bugs or cheating of any kind to gain an unfair advantage in the game. (2-5, depending on offense)
Using third-party programs that give you an unreasonable advantage over other players
Learning or Using any spells which are not intended for your class (mage using priest spells, for example)
Equipping items in slots where they are not supposed to be equipped
Using any quest or special items in ways they are not intended (e.g. using quest items against players
Exploiting to get more than 71 talent - Your other characters will be checked
Trying to get into places in which you don't belong (e.g. GM Island) or cannot get to via legitimate ways
any Spell or Skill while Mounted that is Not intended to be used While
mounted in order to give yourself an unfair advantage
Riding flying mounts outside of the Outlands.
I.e. using a third party program to run more than 1 character at the
same time. If you press 1 button and more than 1 character reacts to
that single button being pressed, you are breaking this rule. You must
directly control each character you use. DUAL BOXING IS PERMITTED, AND
NOT PUNISHABLE. (1, then 6)
Using any non-Blizzard item that is not listed on the Donations page.
Attacking same faction or friendly NPCs
Abusing a spell effect to reach areas normally not accessible.
you are participating in an event, please listen to the rules and
instructions provided to you by the host GM. Failure to follow and
adhere to these instructions will result in you being removed from the
event, or punished by a level 1 punishment.
Leaving the arena or battleground starting areas prior to the match starting
Stealthing in fights in order to attempt to wait out your opponent.
GameMaster's Rules!
2. Donation items are for donators only,
NOT GMs. If you would like donation gear, then donate. You will be
warned once before deletion of your character and then removal of your
GM permissions.
3. Running players through raids/instances is strictly
prohibited, please note: if this happens, all players in that raid
will have their characters banned as they should also know it is
against the rules, and the GM involved will be punished.
4. GMs must not abuse their powers or use their positions to manipulate
or be over-assertive towards players. Our players are just as
important as our GMs, and so they will be treated professionally and
with respect. They must also be under no delusion that their rights
exceed those of our members.
5. All GMs must show respect
to the players, as they show respect to you. When answering tickets you
should be polite/kind and helpful, use good spelling and grammar, and
trying to answer each question to the best of your ability even when
someone is not being cooperative. Doing so will get you noticed and
increase your reputation and the respect you earn amongst your players,
eventually leading to promotion.
6. You must have your GM tags activated at all times when ingame.
7. You can only have one GM
character. NO alts on the GM account whatsoever. You may have a non-GM
account, but you may not use your GM account to grant your alt account
any advantages or privileges that other players would not be able to
recieve. For example, no remote reviving when you die, no summoning to
destinations, etc.
8. Do NOT question these rules, and do not question Admins or Management's decisions.
9. In the event that you think the rules are wrong, or unfair, please refer back to rule number 8.
10. As a GM, you must show discretion and remain humble. This means
no boasting, showing off, acting cocky or acting differently merely
because you have been entrusted with a managerial role within our
community. This also means being invisible in the malls.
11. Being a GM is a big responsibility, NOT a "status" mark. You need
to work hard and use your position to benefit the community. It is not a
"bonus", or a way to get "free powers" or "free things" - do not think
this way, or you will, again, be subject to punishment.
12. GM's or any other ranked staff member(s) are NOT permitted to play
any other WoW private server. No questions asked, no excuses given.
Your account will be removed, and you will NOT be pending an
investigation if we believe you're breaking this rule.Naming Policy
Have any offensive racial/ethnic connotations
Have any offensive national connotations
2. Extreme Sexuality/Violence
Any and all references to extreme or violent sexual acts are disallowed.
References to extremely violent real life actions are disallowed.
3. Sexual Orientation
Names that refer to any aspect of sexual orientation pertaining to themselves or other players are disallowed.
4. Obscene/Vulgar
Any names referring to human anatomy or bodily functions are disallowed.
Any names that are pornographic or sexually questionable are disallowed.
5. Harassing or Defamatory
Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Deranged - WoW, or groups of people, be they in the game or external
6. Deranged - WoW Staff
Any names similar or identical to the names of any present Deranged - WoW staff are disallowed.
7. Inappropriate
Any and all names which possess neutral or positive racial/ethnic/national connotations are disallowed.
Names having neutral or positive connotations of major religions or religious figures are disallowed.
Are otherwise considered inappropriate for a child-friendly game world.
8. Advertising
Names that are non-beneficial, non-WoW related businesses, organizations, or website orientated are disallowed.
Any names relating to WoW themed game servers or websites are disallowed.
9. Pure gibberish
Names which consist of a string of letters which do not produce a
pronounceable name are disallowed. (i.e. Asdfasdf, Jjxccm, Hvlldrm,